Prodigals International is the only non-profit Christian 12-step program specifically for sexual brokenness and betrayal trauma.
Since 2000, we have served over 8,000 men and women, and we currently have 23 active groups with over 500 attendees meeting regularly.
Through our groups, counseling, and conferences we desire to see every life and marriage restored.
12 Step Groups
Free, Mentor Led
New and Upcoming Resources
Quick Guide to Prodigals’ Men’s Recovery Program
A 5-minute read to galvanize your journey to freedom
Breaking free from porn addiction: The Prodigals Program
New from the Prodigals Blog
The Neglected Aspect of Sex Addiction
We know how to find redemption from our sins through repentance to God. Yet, how do we find redemption within ourselves?
Prodigals en Español
NEW Spanish Language Men's 12-Step Recovery Group
Miércoles - En línea a través de Zoom
12-Week Intensive for Women Facing Betrayal Trauma
Online via Zoom | Join Our Waitlist