Sinning Against Self: The Neglected Aspect of Sex Addiction
February 28, 2025
We are redeemed through Christ’s blood on the cross; a sincere heart of penitence is all that’s needed to receive God’s grace, mercy, and love. Yet we can still struggle to forgive ourselves. In recovery, in addition to Jesus taking away our sin and shame, there’s also a need to discover (or rediscover) our self-respect.
Are You Ready to Reclaim Your Healing Journey?
October 29, 2024
The word trauma has become a very common word in our society, and sometimes misused and misunderstood. But understanding that betrayal by a spouse can cause the highest level of emotional trauma is key to a spouse beginning their journey to healing.
The Prodigals Difference – Fausto E.’s story
October 8, 2024
You feel like you've tried everything, but can't seem to stop watching porn.
Maybe your story is Fausto's story? After 'trying everything else,' Fausto found freedom from porn addiction through Prodigals Homecoming program. If his story sounds like your story, we encourage you to watch Fausto's testimonial below. Then, we hope you'll give us a call. We're ready to help 1(866) 910-9002 |
When he denies watching porn: Gaslighting, Deception and Blame…Oh My!
September 17, 2024
Recently I had one of our Brave One partners ask a question about her husband’s porn use. More specifically and painfully the extent that he went to cover-up for his behavior. As I was responding to her question I thought it would make a good blog topic as so many of us have situations that are very similar.
Healing through Homecoming: The Missing Link
August 20, 2024
Finding peace, unconditional acceptance of self, kicking one’s addictions, or relief from debilitating anxiety, depression, or shame to name a few is what we all want in life. Yet, despite years of therapy (myself included), this sense of compassion and calm can be elusive. One way towards healing is homecoming.
Breaking the Chains of Porn Addiction – A Powerful Testimony of Transformation
May 7, 2024
"I gave myself to the program for 12 months. And the result was overwhelming. I was not expecting this. I remember going into the first step, and I was sober for a month and a half, then two months. And I kept going. Then, almost 3 months sober. Then 5-6 months sober and I just couldn't believe what was happening.
Passport to Shame: From Asian Immigrant to American Addict
March 11, 2024
I was only 10 years old when the connection between romance and sex as the ultimate expression of closeness was formed in my mind. I was too young, shy, and poor to feel a girl would like me, so I never entertained the thought of kissing a real girl. Nudity wasn’t as accessible as it is today, but some friends had cable TV where pornographic movies were “scrambled”. While we couldn’t see anything, we could hear the sounds of sex in the background. This felt like the solution to all the aches in my heart. Sex and sexual stimulation felt like they fit perfectly for my needs, like a key to a lock. I felt safe, wanted, loved, and free of worry from all external issues. In other words, I was hooked.
Higher Ground & Restoring Hearts Conferences: Suspended for 2024
November 14, 2023
After much prayer and mission-focused conversation, Prodigals International’s Board of Directors and Senior Staff have made the difficult decision to suspend our conferences - Higher Ground Men’s Conference & Restoring Hearts Women's Conference - in 2024.
What is Sobriety?
February 2, 2022
When addicts come into therapy, they often desire sobriety. When I ask for specifics on what this would look like it often goes something like this, “I want to stop drinking, using porn, gambling, etc. Little do they know early on, staying sober is more than not engaging in their drug of choice. People in the beginning stages of recovery confuse this vital aspect of recovery.
A Marriage Restored Through Prodigals International
December 21, 2021
Partners in Process Support Groups provide a safe place of healing for women who have been affected by their husband’s or partner’s sexual brokenness. These support groups give women the opportunity to walk through the Twelve Step process in a Christian community.
Top 8 Qualities of a Healthy Recovery Group
September 1, 2020
Partners in Process Support Groups provide a safe place of healing for women who have been affected by their husband’s or partner’s sexual brokenness. These support groups give women the opportunity to walk through the Twelve Step process in a Christian community.
What is a Partners in Process Group?
August 21, 2020
Partners in Process Support Groups provide a safe place of healing for women who have been affected by their husband’s or partner’s sexual brokenness. These support groups give women the opportunity to walk through the Twelve Step process in a Christian community.
A Road Map for Productive Discussions
August 1, 2020
Have you read the Old Testament narration of Deborah’s life? Deborah was the leader of an army of men laying siege on Canaan; but how did she arrive in that position in the male-dominated Ancient Near East? Deborah was a prophet and judge and as she sat under a tree in Ephraim, the Israelites would go to her to be judged for their wrong-doing.
How a Betrayed Partner is a Brave Warrior
March 21, 2020
Have you read the Old Testament narration of Deborah’s life? Deborah was the leader of an army of men laying siege on Canaan; but how did she arrive in that position in the male-dominated Ancient Near East? Deborah was a prophet and judge and as she sat under a tree in Ephraim, the Israelites would go to her to be judged for their wrong-doing.