Testimonials from our Men’s Homecoming Recovery program

“The Prodigals ministry has been life-changing for myself, and many men in Calgary over the last decade or so. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I took the opportunity to be trained as a life coach, specializing in addiction coaching to get some further insight into helping men grow. I’ve been running a small group of my own that I call Value Beyond Performance, designed to help men grow after completing the 12 Steps and mature into healthy individuals.  With the Wednesday group, we’ve also had four weekend retreats with our fifth coming up in March 2025.  We get around 20 guys to the weekend and it’s been a great experience to be a part of.  But it all started when God brought me to my knees and in desperation ended up at a Homecoming meeting.”

Michael L., Calgary, Alberta


“I started watching internet pornography when I was 11 and the habit grew into a full blown addiction by the time I was 18. Eventually, the addiction had a seriously negative impact on my marriage, my wife, and my spiritual journey. I was living a double life and caught in an unending cycle of acting out, denying it, getting caught, and starting all over again. I began to have suicidal thoughts. After 5 years of marriage, my wife had had enough. I had to get help or the marriage was over.

I found Prodigals International and began attending online meetings and, a few months after, that I began my 12-Step process with my mentor. My mentor understood what I was going through and he was able to give me advice and the tough love I really needed. He didn’t let me slack off or manipulate my way into going through the process, as I had with so many other things in my life. I began to realize that the 12 Steps wasn’t just homework and self examination: it was an entire lifestyle switch. By the time I completed step 12, I had family members and friends, including my wife, telling me they could see a real difference in me. Prodigals International and the 12 Steps legitimately saved my life.”

Daniel S., Hartford, Connecticut


“I was in a destructive pattern – jumping into sexual addiction and lust and not knowing how to escape. I had previously been a part of three or four different Christian accountability programs. I would dip into those programs and then go to something else for a while, knowing deep down that if I was ever going to change, I needed something rigorous, something Christian, and something safe.  A friend recommended me to Prodigals Homecoming Group, and I immediately realized a new home in the seriousness and structure of the group.

I was comforted by safe and sincere men who were looking for a healthy relationship with God.  I heard a ten-minute teaching, I got to share some struggles, and then learned more facts about recovery.  My mentor showed me destructive patterns of blame in my speech patterns. I started talking about my daily temptations in accurate ways, without shifting the blame to others and without pretending to be in control.  My mentor also helped me make meaningful amends to my loved ones and I can say with confidence that my relationships have never been the same.  I feel a closeness today that I thought I would never achieve.

At Prodigals we don’t believe that anybody has a story that’s much different than our own. When it comes down to it, our struggles are strikingly similar. Prodigals is a group of humble men with solid boundaries, who will be with me for the rest of my life.”

Derek N., Seattle, Washington


“I gave myself to the program for 12 months. And the result was overwhelming. I was not expecting this. I remember going into the first step, and I was sober for a month and a half, then two months. And I kept going. Then, almost 3 months sober. Then 5-6 months sober and I just couldn’t believe what was happening. I WAS SOBER!  And then my wife started seeing (the impact of my sobriety). One day she said “I hate your addiction.” Then, six months (into the program), she sees I’m six months sober, and she said “This is the most important thing we’ve ever done as a family.

Fausto E., Calgary, Alberta

Testimonials from our Women’s Partners in Process and Brave Warriors programs

“As a betrayed partner who is nearly a year beyond my Brave Warriors experience, I look back now and wonder where I’d be had I never been referred to Karen Crawford. Brave Warriors – and I believe God used Karen in particular – was a lifeline during a time when I truly had, for the very first time in my adult life, no idea what my future would look like. The weekly coaching/counseling I received from Karen was essential and what God used to pour into me when I didn’t even know what I needed. She listened to (and related to) my pain. She walked me through a recovery process that was grounded in the Word of God. She became my friend.”

Rene W., Edmonds, WA


I discovered Partners in Process after stumbling upon a workshop about Betrayal Trauma, and it turned out to be the lifeline I desperately needed. As a missionary in South America, I have experienced repeated betrayals by my husband.   I felt profound isolation, made worse by the fear of disclosing my husband’s actions, risking his job and position within the mission organization. 

Partners in Process has been a sanctuary for me. I have found a community of empathetic Christian women, and a space to unravel the complex web of emotions and confusion within my heart. Partners in Process has become more than a support group; it’s a refuge where my faith is not only acknowledged but embraced and given me lifelong friendships. The women in Partners in Process have provided me understanding in the midst of my turmoil, and I am profoundly grateful for the compassion and companionship it provides.”

Marni B., South America


“The Partners in Process leaders are a true blessing, guiding us through betrayal trauma with wisdom, love, and Christ-centered truth. In (my PiP) group, I found healing, empowerment, and the courage to rebuild my life.”

Sandy C., Tacoma, Washington